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Running discovery

Before you start any scanning activity, it is important to understand how the system works and executes a discovery job. This section explains different ways to specify which assets should be scanned and provides the best practices for initiating scans. It may not be unusual for an IT environment's assets to fluctuate in number, type, and state regularly. Servers go online and out of commission. This fluidity underscores the importance of having a dynamic asset inventory. Relying on manually managed asset lists and operational personnel to execute manual provisioning can be risky. The discovered assets and accounts section guides operations that enable you to prepare and run scans.

Organizations want to automate and sync newly provisioned servers and privileged accounts with the privileged access system. The discovery module helps you to sync assets and accounts from multiple sources and integrate them with a password vault. The Sectona Platform discovery engine can sync asset information from multiple sources and also discover privileged accounts on multiple platforms.

Assets can be discovered across:

  • Network scan

  • VMWare vSphere

  • Amazon web service

  • Azure

  • Hyper-V

  • Active directory

  • SNMP

Further accounts can be discovered for following asset types:

  • Windows server

  • UNIX

  • Windows Active directory

  • Oracle databases

  • MS SQL databases

  • MYSQL databases

  • MariaDB databases

Related sections



Configuring Credentials

Asset and Account scanning activities may require authentication on target assets. This section guides for working with credentials.

Scheduling Asset Scan Jobs

If your environment includes virtual machines, cloud assets may find it a challenge to keep track of these assets and their activities. This section guides you through the steps of initiating and maintaining asset discovery.

Schedule Account Discovery Jobs

This section helps you to initiate account discovery jobs for scanning out of sync accounts.

Handling Assets and Accounts Manually from Discovery Process

If you would like to manage accounts and assets manually from multiple scans and assign specific policies, this section will guide you with the procedure to manage assets and accounts manually.

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