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Configure SSH/PowerShell/Telnet task from existing task

Once a task is created, if you need to execute the same task on more than one server, you can create task from existing task. This enables user to execute one task on different server without logging into the session. The details of the tasks will be seen under History. You can also delete the task created as and when required. To configure SSH/PowerShell/Telnet task from the existing task, you need to perform below recommended steps:


  1. Login to the system and select PAM from the product navigator.
  2. Go to My Access → Tasks → Click on +New → Create → From Existing
  3. Choose task from the existing task
  4. Select the Asset Category as: Operating System → Select the Asset Type: Windows Server/ Unix Based
  5. Select the Asset → Select the Account
  6. Select Scope → Private/Delegated
  7. Click on save

For Telnet when you select the asset type its port no should be the default port of telnet i.e. 23.

Once a task is created, if you need to execute the same task on more than one server, you can create task from existing task. This enables user to execute one task on different server without logging into the session. The details of the tasks will be seen under History. You can also delete the task created as and when required. To configure SSH/PowerShell/Telnet task from the existing task, you need to perform below recommended steps:


  1. Login to PAM
  2. Go to My Access → Tasks → Click on +New → Create → From Existing
  3. Choose task from the existing task
  4. Select the Asset Category as: Operating System → Select the Asset Type: Windows Server/ Unix Based
  5. Select the Asset → Select the Account
  6. Select Scope → Private/Delegated
  7. Click on save

For Telnet when you select the asset type its port no should be the default port of telnet i.e. 23.

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