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Creating an attribute-based Account Group

Groups are useful in managing and organizing Accounts. The account attributes can  contain Hostname, Company Information, Department, Accountname, Manager or based on system-defined tag. To add accounts to this group, specify the desired attribute-type, for example, account authentication type. In the Input field, enter attribute-value to be compared to, for example, Sectona authentication. Choose from the available operators{EQUAL TO(=), NOT EQUAL TO(!=) or LIKE} for comparison. All the Accounts will be compared to the specified attribute using the chosen operator and the ones falling under the defined condition will be automatically grouped.


  1. Login to the system and select Platform Configuration from the product navigator.
  2. Go to System → System status → App Services → Account Management Service. Click on Start if it's not already active.
  3. Login to the system and select PAM from the product navigator.
  4. Go to Manage → Account Groups → Add account group.
  5. Enter the Group Name and description.
  6. Select Method as 'Attribute-Based Group'
  7. Select the required attribute (type), the operator (for comparison). and provide an input with which the User should be compared.
  8. Click on the Active slider to activate (set to Active by default) the process.
  9. Click on Save.

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