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Designing a report

To define a new report you need to follow certain steps:

  • Login to the system and select EPM from the product navigator.

  • Go to Reports Create ReportBuild Your Own or use an existing report from the list as a template. Click on the (3 dot) icon and select the Use as Template option.

  • Provide a report name and description (if required). Choose the report type and report category from the drop-down available and click on Next.

  • Choose a base data that you want to insert in your report and accordingly the columns and display name will appear in front of you. You need to specify the order in the last column and select the checkbox which you want in your report in the first place and then click on Next.

  • The next page will appear which will contain the parameters that need to be matched before the report is generated. For instance, the column name should be matched with the operator and the condition specified as the first name should be equal to John Smith. You can add more than one parameter at a time. Click on Next.

  • Now the next page contains how the report design will appear in front of you. Provide a suitable title for the chart and select the type of chart in which you want to see your data plotted. Choose the x-axis and the y-axis from the drop-down and provide the title for them respectively.

The x-axis and y-axis from the drop-down should not be the same.

The available base data sets for report customization are



AD Group Policies

The AD group policies details are listed here

Asset Administrators

The Asset administrators details of EPM are generated here

Asset Agent Status

The asset agent status details of EPM are generated here

EPM Accounts

The accounts details of EPM are generated here

EPM Assets

It gives the general details about the assets in EPM

EPM Asset Groups

Details of asset groups in EPM are described here.

EPM User Groups

The details of various users belonging to the user group in EPM

Windows Privileged Activity

The Windows Privileged Activity details of EPM are generated here

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