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Installation & Setup Guide

Getting Started

Use the Installation & Setup guide to install and deploy Sectona Privileged Access Management (PAM) in your environment. It lists the system requirements and the procedure to install, setup, update, and upgrade the system. It also contains information about troubleshooting problems that might occur during installation and points you to extra resources. Information in this section is primarily aimed at system administrators or system implementers who want to setup the system on any deployment resource.

This guide provides detailed instructions to deploy and set up the product. It lists all product requirements, necessary rights, and permissions to guide you through the installation processes.

This guide consists of the following chapters:

Before You Begin

  • You have read the deployment overview section in detail

  • You have installation key received from Sectona

  • You have access to Sectona support portal activating & validating your license key

  • You have read release notes for the version you are installing

  • You are aware of the security policies of your organization

  • You are aware of the availability consideration of deploying this solution

Prior Experience and Knowledge

  • Windows Administration basics

  • Microsoft SQL Server (if you are using external RDBMS)

  • Installation of Microsoft .Net Framework

  • Windows Active Directory

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