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Set criticality level tags

Adding Criticality Levels allows you to customize the criticality factor of the assets according to the business context. You can assign criticality-level tags based on your environment's settings.

For example, the assets like production environment database and security devices such as firewalls can be defined as highly critical assets.

It helps to track the assets in the organization, in case you want to identify or report assets according to the impact they have on the business.

Steps to configuring criticality level tags

To define a criticality level tag in the system, follow below recommended steps:

  • Login to the system  and click on Platform Configuration from the product navigator

  • Navigate to Criticality Levels under Common Masters section. 

  • Click the +Add Criticality Level button. This will open up a form where you can define your criticality levels.

  • Select the criticality level for your organization's assets as per the requirement to either Critical, High, Medium, or Low.

  • Click on Save to define the criticality level within the Sectona Platform.

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