Adding an asset manually
To add an asset manually follow the steps given below:
Login to the system and select EPM from the product navigator.
Go to Manage → Manage Assets → Add Assets → New Asset. A form will appear on the screen.
Fill in the following details:
Asset Overview
Hostname: Enter the hostname of the asset.
Asset type: Select the asset category from the drop-down list which contains asset types defined by you.
Asset version: Enter the version or release number of the asset type example. If oracle is the asset type then 11g is the version.
IP Address: Enter the IP address (v4) to which the connection should be made.
Description: Enter a unique descriptive title for your new asset.
Port no: Enter the port number of the host
Asset Status: To have the status of the asset active it is checked by default and one can uncheck to disable it.
Password Management Policy
Checkout policy: The option is selected as default as one can select its own policy by unchecking the default option and selecting the policy from the dropdown list available.
Rotation policy: The option is selected as default as one can select its own policy by unchecking the default option and selecting the policy from the dropdown list available.
Reconciliation policy: The option is selected as default as one can select its own policy by unchecking the default option and selecting the policy from the dropdown list available.
Exclude from Account Discovery: When ticked the accounts of this asset will be excluded from the Discovery job.
Asset Owner (optional): If you have listed owner information for all assets, please include it here.
Access Entitlement and Reporting
Location (optional): Added location field will be included in every asset location. You can configure system management location tabs here.
Criticality level (optional): Added critical field will be included in every asset. This is important for the structuring reports and notifications.
Tags (optional): One can choose multiple tags of their choice to be more specific about the asset.
Inventory Store
Manufacturer: Hardware Manufacturer or brand name.
OS Name: Windows/MacOS/Ubuntu/other running on the machine.