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Google Authenticator

Sectona PAM integrates with Google Authenticator using API integration for multi-factor authentication.

For enabling this MFA configuration, the user must have the Google Authenticator app installed on his Android/iOS device.

Configuring Google Authenticator with Sectona

To configure Google Authenticator on Sectona, follow the below steps:

  • Login to PAM as an administrator.

  • Go to Configuration → Multifactor AuthenticationGoogle Authenticator.

  • Fill in the following details:

    • Description: Provide a suitable description for identification.

    • Url: This is a gateway URL for registering Google Authenticator in the system. This is a system-defined parameter.

    • Timeout (Seconds): Provide the timeout period for communication attempts from the PAM server to the Google Authenticator server.

    • Network Proxy: An internal network proxy can be configured in Sectona PAM application. For configuring network proxy, refer to Setting up a network proxy . To configure Google Authenticator through network proxy, enable the network proxy option by clicking on the checkbox and select the network proxy from the drop-down. 

    • Tolerance Time: This is the duration which you configure to maintain leniency for the time difference between the end user’s mobile phone and Sectona PAM application.

  • Click on Active to activate the configuration.

  • Click on Save and Google Authenticator MFA will be enabled.

For enabling Google Authenticator MFA for users, the administrator will need to assign User Access Policy with MFA Type as Google Authenticator. For more information, refer to Setting up user access policy.

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