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Monitoring or terminating live sessions

Monitoring live user sessions provides a way to monitor users currently accessing sessions using the Sectona platform. This helps in real-time view of vendor activities and/or preventing risky user sessions on a real-time basis.

Procedure for viewing live sessions

  • Login to Sectona and select PAM from the product navigator.
  • Navigate to SessionsLive sessions or Sessions → Activity view.

  • In Activity view, the current active live session will be available, or you can view historic session activity of the Past 1 hour, Past 5 hours, Past 24 hours, or up to 5 days.

  • In the Live session view, you can see all active sessions on the platform. The live session is denoted in the system with the (Live View) symbol.

Terminating a session

For a need to terminate any live session, the respective session can be terminated from the live session view. Administrators or users with admin-level privileges can view the user's live sessions and terminate them if any user's activity seems potentially malicious.

Procedure to terminate a session:

  • Login to Sectona and select PAM from the product navigator.
  • Navigate to the Session in the navigation bar.

  • Select the Live Sessions from the sidebar.

  • The existing live sessions will be displayed.

  • Click on the Live icon to open the live session.

  • Click on the End icon in the top right corner to terminate the session.



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