Google Cloud
Sectona supports the discovery of assets in the Google Cloud Platform by using Google Cloud Discovery. It provides real-time visibility and inventory of Google Cloud assets. The discovery refreshes according to a schedule set by the user. Ensure the account has permissions at the root server level to ensure all target assets are discoverable. If you assign permissions on a folder in the target environment, you will only see the contained assets if permissions are also defined on the parent resource pool. As a best practice, it is recommended that the account be given read-only access.
Refer section Configuring Credentials for more details before executing this discovery scan.
Note:- The Credentials required have a discovery method that also requires Service Account Key. Refer to Creating and managing service account keys for this activity. Recommended permission for Google Service Account with Read Permissions.
Adding a Google Cloud scan job
Select New Asset Discovery Job as Google Cloud by clicking on the Asset Discovery button.
Attributes | Description |
Job Details | |
Job Title | Enter a unique title for your scan job. E.g., Production instances. |
Project | Enter the |
Service Account Email | Enter the |
Service Account Key | Enter the |
Subscriptions | Provide the value as NA |
Schedule type | Select a schedule type, whether you want to initiate this job once or a recurring job. If you select a recurring job, you can choose the days on which this job must be executed. E.g., If you want to schedule a job every 2nd day at 5.00 p.m. from 1st Jan 2018 to scan your network, include the following details: Recur every: 2 days |
Task Start | The day when the discovery job will start |
Scheduled Time | You can either choose "Any" or schedule a proper time from when to start the task and when to end the task |
Action | |
On board assets | To start a scan manually with an option to add assets to specify profiles, click the Onboard asset as 'No'. If you wish to include assets automatically to existing groups and attributes, select option 'Yes' |
Asset description(optional) | Added text will be included in every asset description field |
Location(optional) | Added location field will be included in every asset location. You can configure system management location Configuring location tagging |
Criticality level(optional) | Added critical field will be included in every asset. This is important while structuring reports and notifications |
Tags (optional) | You can associate an asset with your desired single or multiple tags like Infosec, Banking Core Server, ATM Switches, etc. Refer to section Tags for more information about adding context with tags. |
Checkout policy | The option is selected as default as one can choose its policy by unchecking the default option and selecting the policy from the drop-down list available. |
Rotation policy | The option is selected as default as one can choose its policy by unchecking the default option and selecting the policy from the drop-down list available |
Reconciliation policy | The option is selected as default as one can choose its policy by unchecking the default option and selecting the policy from the drop-down list available. |
Config value 1 | The configuration value can be assigned here. |
Config value 2 | The configuration value can be assigned here. |
Config value 3 | The configuration value can be assigned here. |
Config value 4 | The configuration value can be assigned here. |
Exclude from Account Discovery | When ticked, the accounts of this asset will be excluded from the Discovery job. |
Owner(optional) | If you have listed the owner information of all the assets, please include here |