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Jira Cloud

Sectona Privileged Access management has integrated Jira Cloud ServiceDesk using REST APIs Version 3 provided by Atlassian.

This section describes in detail how to integrate Sectona with your Jira Cloud by importing standard configurations. The following features are supported:

  • Validating a ticket number

  • Validating ticket number and ticket data

  • Requesting ticket closure

The following functions are supported at account group level without any need for ticketing system integration. However, these settings must be enabled to activate ticketing system validation. The system takes any inputs without any validation and grants access to the user if settings are not activated.

  • Enforce comment

  • Request for ticket number

Before You Begin

  • Ensure you have access to Jira Cloud administration interface.

  • Enable permission from your Jira Cloud instance for a specific user in Jira to communicate via API. Read more for enabling access permissions in Jira Cloud REST API Permissions.

Procedure for enabling ticket number validation function

This section will guide you to configure ServiceDesk with the system using standard configuration and API handlers.

  • Go to the Platform Configuration and under the General Configuration section, select Service Desk.

  • Select provider as JiraServiceDesk.
  • Click on Validation.

  • Select Level 1 as Jira Cloud doesn't require multi-level API validation.

  • In the URL field, update the standard URL based on a domain name registered with Jira cloud.
    Standard String: <https://<site-url>/rest/api/3/<resource-name>
    Example String: <

  • In the Header field, leave the auto-populated data as it is unless you have made changes to your API settings in your Jira Cloud instance. These standard settings are based on the use of recommended header authentication using tokens for API requests as listed in Basic auth for REST API. This header request uses the username you provide in the form and password/token in the field every time you make an API call.

Authorization|Basic %base64(%ServiceDesk_Username%:%ServiceDesk_Password%)user|%ServiceDesk_Username%:%ServiceDesk_Password%
  • Request data field is to be left blank.

  • In the Content Type field, "application/json" is populated as needed by Jira Cloud API. No change recommended

  • In the Accept field, "application/json" is populated as needed by Jira Cloud API. No change recommended.

  • In the Username field, provide username who has required permission to your Jira Cloud space for authenticating via REST API. Token for usernames can be generated at Generate Atlassian Account Token.

  • In the Password/Token field, enter parameters.

  • In the Method field, you can mention Get method to cache the request.

  • In the Response Type field, choose JSON.

  • In the Attribute Name field, fill in the request parameter fields-status-name.

  • Enable the Network Proxy field to add the desired network proxy. This is required when your Sectona Web Access component needs to communicate over the internet with Jira Cloud. For more information configuring network proxy, refer to the section in Setting up a network proxy.

  • In the Success Criteria field, mention the ticket status which needs to be allowed access whenever a user provides a valid ticket number and if the ticket status is valid with success criteria. You can provide one or more ticket criteria to be validated against. For example, you want to allow any valid ticket number with either status as InProgress or ToDo fields to be added as Inprogress~ToDo.

  • The Status must be activated to enforce this integration.

Procedure for enabling ticket number validation function

  • Go to the Platform Configuration and under the General Configuration section, select Service Desk.
  • Select provider as JiraServiceDesk.

  • Click on Validation.

  • Import standard settings for Jira Cloud from the Import Standard Configs tab.
  • Select Level 1 as Jira Cloud doesn't require multi-level API validation.

  • In the URL field, update the standard URL based on a domain name registered with Jira cloud and fields you require for validation. Jira Cloud uses standard available fields as default and new fields defined by your custom field names. Jira Query Language can be used to browse and understand the exact field names used. You are required to replace content tags with valid Sectona content tags. Validation is built with exact matching names while granting access.
    Standard String: <https://<site-url>/rest/api/3/search?jql=<Jira> Field Name> =<Sectona Content Tag> AND <Jira Field Name> =<Sectona Content Tag>
    Example String: =%ServiceDesk_UserLogonName% AND key=%ServiceDesk_TicketNo% AND "Specify an IP address" ~ %ServiceDesk_AssetIPAddress%

  • In the Header field, leave the auto-populated data as it is unless you have made changes to your API settings in your Jira Cloud instance. These standard settings are based on the use of recommended header authentication using tokens for API requests as listed in Basic auth for REST API. This header request uses the username you provide in the form and password/token in the field every time you make an API call.

Authorization|Basic %base64(%ServiceDesk_Username%:%ServiceDesk_Password%)user|%ServiceDesk_Username%:%ServiceDesk_Password%
  • Request data field is to be left blank.

  • In the Content Type field, "application/json" is populated as needed by Jira Cloud API. No change recommended

  • In the Accept field, "application/json" is populated as needed by Jira Cloud API. No change recommended.

  • In the Username field, provide username who has required permission to your Jira Cloud space for authenticating via REST API. Token for usernames can be generated at Generate Atlassian Account Token.

  • In the Password/Token field, enter parameters.

  • In the Method field, you can mention Get method to cache the request.

  • In the Response Type field, choose JSON.

  • In the Attribute Name field, fill in the request parameter fields-status-name.

  • Enable the Network Proxy field to add the desired network proxy. This is required when your Sectona Web Access component needs to communicate over internet with Jira Cloud. For more information configuring network proxy, refer to the section in Setting up a network proxy.

  • In the Success Criteria field, mention the ticket status which needs to be allowed access whenever a user provides a valid ticket number and if the ticket status is valid with success criteria. You can provide one or more ticket criteria to be validated against. For example, you want to allow any valid ticket number with either status as InProgress or ToDo fields to be added as Inprogress~ToDo.

  • The Status must be activated to enforce this integration.

Procedure for enabling ticket closure by user

This section will guide you to integrate Jira Cloud Service Desk using standard configuration and API handlers. This is supported by either directly allowing a user to close the ticket or request for additional comments. In case you need to configure both options, Level 1 and Level 2 APIs must be configured.

  • Go to the Platform Configuration and under the General Configuration section, select Service Desk.
  • Select provider as JiraServiceDesk.

  • Click on Validation.

  • Import standard settings for Jira Cloud from the Import Standard Configs tab.
  • Select Level 1 as Jira Cloud doesn't require multi-level API validation.

  • In the URL field, update the standard URL based on a domain name registered with Jira cloud.
    Standard String: <https://<site-url>/rest/api/3/issue/%ServiceDesk_TicketNo%/transitions
    Example String:

  • In the Header field, leave the auto populated data as it is, unless you have made changes to your API settings in your Jira Cloud instance. These standard settings are based on the use of recommended header authentication using tokens for API request as listed Basic auth for REST API. This header request uses the username you provide in the form and password/token in the field every time you make an API call.

Authorization|Basic %base64(%ServiceDesk_Username%:%ServiceDesk_Password%)user|%ServiceDesk_Username%:%ServiceDesk_Password%
  • Request Data field for closing ticket without comment is:

    {    "transition": {
            "id": "31"    }
  • Request Data field for closing ticket with comment is:

      "body": {
        "type": "doc",
        "version": 1,
        "content": [
            "type": "paragraph",
            "content": [
                "text": "Ticket Is Closed By SpectraPAM",
                "type": "text"
        "body": "Ticket Is Closed By SpectraPAM"
  • In the Content Type field, "application/json" is populated as needed by Jira Cloud API. No change recommended.

  • In the Accept field, "application/json" is populated as needed by Jira Cloud API. No change recommended.

  • In the Username field, provide username who has required permission to your Jira Cloud space for authenticating via REST API. Token for usernames can be generated at Generate Atlassian Account Token.

  • In the Password/Token field, enter parameters.

  • In the Method field, you can mention POST method to cache the request.

  • In the Response Type field, choose JSON.

  • In the Attribute Name field, fill in the request parameter fields-status-name.

  • Enable the Network Proxy field to add the desired network proxy. This is required when your Sectona Web Access component needs to communicate over internet with Jira Cloud. For more information configuring network proxy, refer to the section in Setting up a network proxy.

  • In the Success Criteria field, mention the ticket status which needs to be set as per your Jira Cloud configuration once the ticket is closed by the user.

  • The Status must be activated to enforce this integration.

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