Version 5.4.0
This document provides information on the updated features and the fixed issues in the Sectona PAM version 5.4.0.
What’s New?
Asset Management
[SPSL-4539] - Added support to Unix based asset type to customize asset level username format for domain based (AD) account.
[SPSL-4417] - Added option in Appearance to enable captcha on login and forgot password screen based on failed attempts.
[SPSL-4529] - Added watermark configurable in Video Export Parameters for exporting session video log with logo and timestamp.
[SPSL-4439] - Added a configurable feature to display recording (framewise) timestamp on exported session video log.
[SPSL-227] - Added a feature to discover SSH Key pair from Unix/Linux based servers. The system will search for public key and corresponding private key on defined locations including user home directory.
[SPSL-4441] - Added a configurable feature to automatically close the launcher application after a target asset session disconnected.
[SPSL-4536] - Deprecated and removed “Remote Session Host” component and same has been supported using “Route Over Browser Sessions” for over browser access types.
[SPSL-2567] - Added a feature to send notifications continuing on commencement and completion of asset and account discovery.
[SPSL-4438] - Added feature to generate email notifications after exceeding configured max session time period.
[SPSL-4518] - Added a feature to display details regarding type of mapping and status on the Active Mapping page.
Reports and Dashboard
[SPSL-4411] - Added support to edit user defined dashboard.
[SPSL-4517] - Added a feature to view reports for Discovered SSH Keys.
[SPSL-4526] - Added new reports as “User Session Trail” to view historical data of user session video log played and exported.
[SPSL-4528] - Added a feature to display 'Last Session On' to the base data of Asset Report and Account Report.
Satellite Vault
[SPSL-4511] - Added support in Satellite Vault to synchronize Certificate and Secret based account credentials. These types of account credentials are introduced in previous version.
Session Management
[SPSL-4519] - Added a feature to display details regarding type of Access Type on the Session View page.
[SPSL-4523] - Added a feature to create session history log.
[SPSL-4446] - Added option in user access policy for USB, Sound, Audio (mic) and SmartCard devices redirection for launcher-based RDP sessions.
[SPSL-4478] - Added a feature to configure centralized video log server to store session video logs on one of the application servers when there are multiple application and application proxy servers configured.
[SPSL-2264] - Added feature to archive video logs on AWS and Azure cloud storage. If this feature enabled, system will only allow to download video log file and online playback currently not supported.
[SPSL - 2902] -Added a popup notification to only a administrator user, when HA or DR vault node is out-of-sync.
[SPSL-4445] - Added support for latest SSH protocol ciphers for user session and password rotation process.
[SPSL-4476] - Redesigned MyAccess page to improve server performance this helped to reduce memory utilization.
[SPSL-4477] - Improved launcher API communication with Vault server, this helped to reduce server CPU and memory utilization.
[SPSL-4515] - Added new “Session Video Log” permission under Session Management role to allow user from playing and exporting session video log.
User Management
[SPSL-4440] - Added a feature to assign a product license to new user while onboarding (manually or bulk import).
[SPSL-4420] - Added support to view old parameters (before modifying) of Asset, Account and Users to the approver on maker checker approval user interface.
[SPSL-4460] - Added support for maker checker functionality for approval users having only platform configuration permission.
[SPSL-4530] - Added a feature to display 'Approved by Peer' or 'Rejected by Peer' in Approval Log.
DevOps Secrets Management
[SPSL-4496] - Added a feature in DSM to add an External Vault as an option in a secret group.
[SPSL-4496] - Added support to integrate external password vault to allow requesting secrets from DSM which are stored and managed by password vault. Sectona Vault is current supported out-of-box.
Fixed Issues
Session Management
[SPSL-4410] - Fixed concurrent URL based session opened in launcher using Chrome engine.
[SPSL-4454] - Fixed live session view issue for URL based session opened in launcher using Chrome engine.
[SPSL-4525] - Fixed find text functionality in Chrome and Edge engine for URL based sessions opened in launcher.
Note: Sectona Authenticator will no longer be supported from February 1st, 2025.