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Issue with Database Shrinking – External database.

Issue Description – User facing delayed responses in PAM. 

Cause – This issue occurs when the database size is occupied with the database logs, which in result causes delay for the end users. 

Resolution – This issue gets resolved by shrinking the database using the below steps. 

  1. Run the SSMS application. 

  1. Click on the connect button àSelect Server Name from the dropdown à Select the Authentication type as SQL Server Authentication. 

  1. Enter the credentials for the sectonadb (credentials are mostly Username – spectradbadmin and the default password). 

  1. In the left side panel click on the button of the connected server to drop down the further options. 

  1. Click on the button of the Databases option. 

  1. Select the PAM database (SectonaDB) and right click on it. 




  1. Click on the Tasks option àclick on the Shrink option à Select the Files option. 


  1. In the Shrink file window, select Log option in the File type. 


  1. Click on ok the execute the task. 


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