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Mandate multi-factor authentication before each session

You can create a new policy such that the users will be authenticated each time they want to begin a new session. The authentication will be a type of multifactor authentication which you can define while creating this User Access Policy. You can then assign this policy to desired users as explained below:


To create a new policy:

  1. Login to the system and select Platform Configuration from the product navigator.
  2. Select Multifactor Authentication under the Authentication section. 
  3. Go to User Management → Logon Policy → Add Logon Policy.
  4. Fill the details.
  5. Select the MFA type in the respective field and enable the Adaptive Authentication checkbox.
  6. Click on Update.

To assign this policy to Users:

  1. Go to User Management → Users.
  2. Select the Users you want to assign this policy to.
  3. In the Edit User form, specify the new policy name in the User Access Policy field.
  4. Click on Update.

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