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Sign in to Satellite Vault

To sign in, it is first essential for the PAM administrator or the equivalent user having access to Satellite Vault configuration in PAM and has synced your profile with the account groups for which you are being granted access. Once this is done, follow the below process to sign in to Satellite Vault:


  1. As a new user, make sure the PAM administrator has shared your profile key with you over mail or you can generate your profile key by yourself.

  2. To generate your profile key login to Sectona Web Access → Click on your profile name on the top right corner.

  3. Login to the system.

  4. Select Settings option → Click on Generate new button → A new profile key will be getting generated and downloaded.

  5. To download an existing key, login to Sectona Web Access → Click on your profile name on the top right corner.

  6. Select Settings option → Click on Download button → Profile key will be getting generated and downloaded.

  7. To login to Satellite Vault, browse Satellite Vault URL → Click on the Upload button and upload your profile key to sign in.

If you have generated a new profile key, you will not be able to sign in with the old key.
You generate a new profile key when you are logging in for the first time or in case the existing profile key is unintentionally shared with someone.
You choose to download an existing profile key when you have lost the previously downloaded profile key.

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