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End User Access

Sectona Agent is an integration agent that provides connectivity between the Endpoint and WPM server. It is a fully unified solution for extracting and transforming data and metadata from your endpoint to the WPM server. This section guides you to perform following operations:

Few things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure that the Sectona EPM Agent is installed on the endpoint.

  • Make sure that the EPM Vault Service Agent service is running. on the endpoint.

  • Port 3490 is open on endpoint and WPM server for communication.

To Activate the Sectona Vault EPM Agent, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Sectona\Sectona Vault EPM Agent → double-click on Sectona.Vault.EPMAgentUI. This will load the Sectona Vault EPM Agent into the Taskbar.

Elevating an Application

When an application is elevated then it has been given greater rights, which enables you to have more control over its operation. To elevate an application with Sectona, follow the below-recommended steps:

  • Right-click on the application that you want to elevate.

  • Click on the “Elevate with Sectona” option.

You will get the access to the elevated application .

Accessing an Application using Offline Code

In scenarios where the EPM server is unreachable due to network unavailability, Sectona provides an Offline Code feature for the on-time access. The Offline Code is generated on the EPM server and when needed can be acquired from the EPM Administrator.

  • Right-click on the application that you want to elevate.

  • Click on the “Elevate with Sectona” option.

  • You will see an offline-verification pop-up on the screen.

  • Enter the offline code provided by the Administrator.

  • Click on the OK button.

You will get the access to the elevated application.

Requesting Application Elevation

  • For requesting to elevate an application with Sectona, follow the below recommended steps:

  • In the Task bar, right click on the Sectona Vault EPM Agent icon.

  • Click on New Request → Select Request Application Elevation. Provide the following details:

    • Application: Provide the name of the application.

    • File Path: Provide the location where the .exe file is stored.

    • File name: Provide the .exe file name.

    • Reason / Comment: Provide the reason for the access or any additional comments.

    • Ticket No.: Specify the ticket number for the request.

  • Click on the Submit button and you request will be sent to the Approver.

User can also right click on the application and select Elevate with Sectona option to generate the request. When user follow this method, the Application, File Path, and File Name fields get auto-filled with the required input.

Requesting Full Administrator Access

User may raise a request for elevate an application or full admin access. This section also highlights viewing request logs and pending requests. The purpose behind this is to ensure limited and controlled access thereby dismissing any unnecessary privileges given to users. For requesting full admin access with Sectona, follow the below recommended steps:

  • In the Task bar, right click on the Sectona Vault EPM Agent icon.

  • Click on New Request → Select Full Admin Access. Provide the following details:

    • Starts On: Provide the date and time specifying the start time for access.

    • Access Duration: Specify the time limit of access.

    • Reason / Comment: Provide the reason for the access or any additional comments.

    • Ticket No.: Specify the ticket number for the request.

  • Click on the Submit button and you request will be sent to the Approver.

To view all the requests, right click on the Sectona Vault EPM Agent icon in the Taskbar and select View Requests. A screen will be displayed with with all the requests specifying the Request IDs, type, when the request was made along with the status of the request.

An error message will be displayed if you try to raise an elevation or admin access request for applications that has been under the policy of “Elevation Not Allowed“ and “Blacklist“. In such scenario, contact the EPM Administrator in your organization.

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