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Defining network zones

You can profile your network zones in the solution to use settings across the solution and save time on setting it at multiple locations. This is used across user access policy and proxy settings.

An IP Segment is a range of IP addresses that you can map to a location. One location can have multiple IP segments and you can also describe an IP segment to suit your needs.

This chapter contains the following:

Classifying IP segments

Follow the below recommended steps to add an IP segment in Sectona PAM:

  • Login to the Sectona portal as an administrator user.

  • Navigate to the Configuration page using the navigation bar.

  • Click on IP Segments in the sidebar.

  • Click +Add IP Segment button. This opens up a form to the right of the page to add an IP segment.

  • Provide Segment Name, Location, and IP range.
  • Click Save and your IP Segment is defined.

  • By default, new network zones added to the system are in active mode.

You can add multiple network zones to the same location.

Editing an existing IP segment classification

Follow the below recommended steps to modify a predefined IP segment:

  • Login to the Sectona portal as an administrator.

  • Navigate to the Configuration page using the navigation bar. 

  • Click on IP Segments in the sidebar.

  • Click on the network zone you wish to edit.

  • Click Save and your modified IP Segment is defined.

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