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Manage Provisioned Accounts

Deprovisioning a provisioned account can be achieved with a single click. Once an account is de-provisioned, its all-access right is taken away. Henceforth, security rights are maintained. Enabling and disabling of provisioned accounts can be achieved with a single click. This section covers:

Workflow for managing accounts

  • PAM administrator authenticates Sectona.

  • Go to Manage → Account Lifecycle.

  • User will see a list of provision account. Under the action column, three icons will be displayed— ‘enable’ for enabling, disable for disabling, and delete for deleting the account.






  • Green icon is for activating the provision account. Account once enabled on target server, the same account is activated in PAM as well.

  • Yellow icon is for deactivating the provision account. Account once deactivated on target server, the same account is disabled on PAM as well.

  • Red icon is for deleting the provision account. Account once deleted on target server, the same account is disabled on PAM as well.

  • Admin can Enable/Disable/ Deprovision provision account as per organizational need.

  • To track the activities of the provision account click on the action button and select View Trail.

Searching of accounts in the account lifecycle

  • To search for a specific provisioned account:

    • Enter the provision account name in the Search box.

  • To filter provisioned accounts, enter the description in the Description box or click the Show Only Pending option.

 Troubleshooting tips

  • Currently accounts provisioned by the platform can be managed

  • Accounts in a disabled state can be put into enabled state

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