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Network scan

Asset discovery using network scan discovers assets with standard port numbers (3389 and 22) to profile assets. These ports are scanned using the telnet scan method to identify the operating system types.



(Sectona → Operating System)

  • Windows Operating System/3389

  • UNIX Operating System/22

Adding a Network scan job

Login to system and select PAM from the product navigator. To add a discovery job, go to Manage → Discovery → Asset.

Select Network scan from the drop-down menu by clicking on the Asset Discovery button and follow the below-recommended guidelines:



Job details


Enter a unique title for your scan job


Select either an IP range or IP list. If you select the range, then specify the start and end of the IP address


Specify a timeout in minutes for this setting to define when the scanning should timeout for a job configured

Schedule type

If you want to initiate a job once or make it a recurring one, select the Once or Recurring option. When selecting a recurring job, select the required days for job execution.

For example, you want to schedule a job every second day at 5.00 p.m. from 1st Jan 2018 to scan your network. Include the following details:

Recur every: 2 days
Task Start: 01 Jan 2023
Schedule Start Time: 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm

Task Start

Select the date when the task begins

Schedule Time

You can either choose the "Any" or schedule a proper time from when to start the task and when to end the task


Onboard assets

To start a scan manually with an option to add assets to specify profiles, click the Onboard asset as 'No.' 

If you wish to include assets automatically to existing groups and attributes, select the option 'Yes'

Asset description (optional)

Added text will be included in every asset description field

Location (optional)

Added location field will be included in every asset location. You can configure the system management location here

Criticality level (optional)

Added critical field will be included in every asset. This is important while structuring reports and notifications

Tags (optional)

You can associate an asset with your desired single or multiple tags like Infosec, Banking Core Server, ATM Switches, etc.

Refer to section Tags for more information about adding context with tags.

Checkout policy

This option is selected by default. You can uncheck this option and select the required policy from the drop-down list.

Rotation policy

This option is selected by default. You can uncheck this option and select the required policy from the drop-down list.

Reconciliation policy

This option is selected by default. You can uncheck this option and select the required policy from the drop-down list.

Config value 1

The configuration value can be assigned here.

Config value 2

The configuration value can be assigned here.

Config value 3

The configuration value can be assigned here.

Config value 4

The configuration value can be assigned here.

Exclude from Account Discovery

When ticked, the accounts of this asset will be excluded from the Discovery job.

Owner (optional)

If you have listed owner information of all the assets, please include it here.

The status slider is set to Active by default and click the Save button to add the Network Scan discovery job to the system.

Click the Save + Run Now button to start the network scan discovery immediately.

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