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Configure Email settings

Sectona Privileged Access Management system uses email services to send out alerts and notifications using standard SMTP settings. & POP3 settings for receives emails responses to workflow approval requests. This section describes the standard procedures for integrating system with SMTP server.

Steps to configure SMTP settings

  • Login to System and select Platform Configuration from the product navigator.
  • Under General Configuration section select Email Gateway → Outgoing (SMTP) tab.

  • In the SMTP Server box, enter the IP address of the SMTP server that will deliver emails generated by the system.

  • In the SMTP Port box, enter the port number that the SMTP server will use. The default port used is port 465.

  • In the Timeout field, enter any value if you like the SMTP service to wait for a response. By default, the system uses 60 secs.

  • In the Connection Security field, if you wish to enable any implicit or explicit security settings, select accordingly, or select none if you are unsure.

  • If your SMTP requires authentication, perform one of the following actions:

    • If your SMTP server uses authentication, fill in the username and password boxes.

    • If your SMTP server is not configured to send authentication credentials, leave the username blank

  • In the Signature box, enter the details you wish to include in all emails sent out.

  • In the Network Proxy box, select the network proxy if your SMTP server is not directly connected with Sectona Web Access.

  • Message Style can be modified as per general HTML style tags and can be further customized. %EmailMessage% must be placed to display content.

  • In Outgoing Domain Whitelisting, you can define a list of comma-separated email domains. You will be allowed to send emails only to the aforementioned email domains.

  • Click Save.

Steps to configure POP3 settings

  • Login to System and select Platform Configuration from the product navigator.
  • Under General Configuration section select Email Gateway → Incoming (POP3) tab.

  • In the POP3 Server box, enter the IP address of the POP3 server that will send and recieve emails generated by the system.

  • In the POP3 Port box, enter the port number that the POP3 server will use. The default port used is port 995.

  • In the Timeout field, enter any value if you like the POP3 service to wait for a response. By default, the system uses 60 secs.

  • In the Connection Security field, if you wish to enable any implicit or explicit security settings, select accordingly, or select none if you are unsure.

  • If your POP3 requires authentication, perform one of the following actions:

    • If your POP3 server uses authentication, fill in the username and password boxes.

    • If your POP3 server is not configured to send authentication credentials, leave the username blank

  • If your POP3 server is configured you would need OAuth20 Configuration. This option will visible only when OAuth20 option is selected in Authentication Method drop down list. Details with provider set to Microsoft and 5 configuration values
    Config1 ) URL to generate access token
    Config2 ) ClientID generated on microsoft portal
    Config3 ) ClientSecret generated on microsoft portal
    Config4 ) TenantId generated on microsoft portal
    Config5 ) Scope defined in microsoft portal (
  • In the Network Proxy box, select the network proxy if your SMTP server is not directly connected with Sectona Web Access.

  • Tick the Function Points checkbox to allow Email Workflow Approval.
  • Specify approval keywords in For Request Approval textbox.
  • Specify rejection keywords in For Request Rejection textbox.
  • Click Save.

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