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Executing tasks

The privileged task management module is segregated into the user and administration section. Following are the task that can be performed by end user.

This section covers:

Privatizing SSH/PowerShell/Telnet based task library

To assign a task to your self, you need to perform the below-recommended steps: 

  • Login as a PAM product user. 

  • Go to My Access page → Click on Tasks → Click on + Add Tasks.

  • Select the Asset Category as Operating System and Asset Type as Windows Server/ Unix Based.

  • Select the Asset and Account accordingly.

  • Select Scope as Private.

  • Enter the Name of the Task and select the task.

  • Enter input value to command say if needed.

  • Click on Save.

  • Go to the My Access page → Click on Tasks → and you can execute the same task by clicking on the run button.

Once the mentioned steps are executed successfully, a new task will be assigned to your self into PAM.

Delegating SSH/PowerShell/Telnet based task library

To delegate a task to someone, you need to perform the below-recommended steps: 

  • Login as PAM product user.

  • Go to My Access page → Tasks → Click on + Add Tasks.

  • Select the Asset Category as Operating System and Asset Type as Windows Server/ Unix Based.

  • Select the Asset and Account accordingly.

  • Select Scope as Delegate.

  • Enter the Name of the Task and select the task.

  • Enter input value to command say if needed.

  • Click on Save.

  • Go to the My Access page → Click on Tasks → and you can execute the same task by clicking on the run button.

Once the mentioned steps are executed successfully, a new task will be assigned to your self into PAM.

Under Access → Tasks, you will find all the privatize and delegated tasks listed in the Scope column.

Executing the task

To run a task, you need to perform the below-recommended steps: 

  • Login as PAM product user.

  • Go to My Access page → Click on Tasks → Click on +New → Create task as New.

  • Select the Asset Category as Operating System and Asset Type as Windows Server/ Unix Based.

  • Select the Asset and Account accordingly.

  • Select Scope as Private.

  • Enter the Name of the Task and select the task.

  • Enter input value to command say if needed.

  • Click on Save.

  • Again, go to My Access → Tasks → and execute the same task by clicking on the run button.

Once the mentioned steps are executed successfully, the task will get executed in PAM.

Under Access → Tasks, you will find all the privatize and delegated tasks are shown which can be executed.

Executing more than one task in one go

To execute more than a task, you need to perform the below-recommended steps: 

  • Login as PAM product user.

  • Go to the My Access page → Click on Tasks → Select the task you wish to execute.

  • Click on Execute Selected.

Once the mentioned steps are executed successfully, you can execute more than one task together in PAM.

Under Access → Tasks, you will find all the privatize and delegated tasks are shown which can be executed.

Privatizing/Delegating one or more than one task to one or more users using task bucket

To delegate one or more than one task to one or more than one user using task bucket, you need to perform the below-recommended steps:

  • Login as a PAM product user.

  • Go to My Access page → Click on All Tasks → Click on Task Bucket.

  • Click on +Add Task Bucket → Select Create as New.

  • Select Scope → Private/Delegate.

  • Select the user if you have chosen scope as delegate.

  • Enter the Name of the Task bucket and select the task library.

  • Click on Save.

Once the mentioned steps are executed successfully, you can delegate one or more tasks to one or more than one user using the task bucket in PAM.

Executing task bucket

To run a task, you need to perform the below-recommended steps: 

  • Login as a PAM product user.

  • Go to My Access page → Click on Tasks → Click on Task Bucket.

  • Execute any task bucket by clicking on the run button.

Once the mentioned steps are executed successfully, the task will get executed in PAM.

The user can select more than one task bucket and run the selected task bucket in one go as well.

To run SSH task you require operating system as Unix based and for PowerShell you require Windows server.

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