Setting up Notifications
Notification Engine is segregated into System configured, and User configured notifications. Users can configure the notification engine to send a defined template-based email to specific users when an event related to the template occurs. Following are the operations admin can perform.
Setting up notification via notification rule
To set notification via notification rule, you need to perform the following steps
Login to System and select PAM from the product navigator.
Setup→ Notifications → Add → Add New Notification Rule.
Fill in the details:
Rule Name: <Enter Rule Name say "Account Group Modify">
Description: <Enter Description say "Account Group Modify">
Notification Type: <Select option "Account Group Modify" from drop-down>
Schedule Time: <Any>
Recipient Mail: <Enter email address say "">
Instance: <Select instance "Any" from drop-down>
Active: <Checked>
Click on the Save button
Go to Manage → Account Management → Account Group
Select the desired Account Group
Modify Account Group
Click on Update.
Setting up notification via notification group
To set notification via notification group, you must perform the following steps.
Login to System and select PAM from the product navigator.
Select Setup from the navigation bar→ Notifications → Add → Add New Notification Group.
Fill in the details:
Notification Group: <Select option say, "Proxy and Landing Servers" from drop-down>
Schedule Time: <Any>
Recipient Mail: <Enter email address say,>
Instance: <Select instance "Any" from drop-down>
Active: <Checked>
Click on the Save button.
Now Go to System → Proxy and Landing Servers
Start any of the Session proxies.
Stop any of the Session proxies.
You need to act within the scheduled time described in the configuration.
Updating notification set
To update any notification rule, you need to perform the following steps.
Login to System and select PAM from the product navigator.
Select Setup from the navigation bar→ Notifications Template → Select the notification template you wish to update
Fill in the updated details
Click on the Save button.
Perform action based on the updated notification template
Updating notification templates
To customize the content of an email message, you need to perform the following steps:
Login to System and select PAM from the product navigator.
Select Setup from the navigation bar→ Notification Template → Select the notification template you wish to customize
Click on the Content Tags button,
Choose the tag you need to add to the email.
Customize the template as needed
Save your changes and then close the file.
Set the notification rule for the same.
Perform action based on the notification template.