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Configure a multiple level workflow for Password request

You can define a workflow hierarchy i.e. specify the number of approvers a password request must go through before being granted. A multiple level workflow means that multiple approvers have been appointed at a separate levels and if an approver disapproves the request at any level, the request does not proceed to the next level approver and is rejected there and then. A request raised by the Approver is valid only if there exists another approver at the same level.
An Approver can view requests only for the Instance that they are in. Similarly, requests can be raised by Users only within the same Instance that that are in. 


  1. Login to the system and select PAM from the product navigator.
  2. Go to Policies →Workflow Management →click on Add Workflow.
  3. Fill in the details in the form. Set Rule type=Workflow , Levels=<the desired levels in numerals>, Request type=Password.
  4. Select approvers in the "Approver' field step by step. 
      i.  Select the approver and set the Level as '1' in the adjacent "Level" field. This is the first approver (level 1) the request will go to.
     ii. Similarly, Select a new approver and set the Level as '2' in the adjacent "Level" field. This is the second approver (level 2) the request will go to, if the level1 approver approves the request.  
    iii. Similarly, you can define multiple levels.
  5. Make sure that the status is toggled to Active.
  6. Click on Save.

In case, the checkout policy fails you can reset the password by going to Policies  →Checkout Policy →select the respective policy and tick on the "Reset password if failed" option.

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