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Onboard AD Users in bulk

Once your IT environment's authentication service(that incorporates Microsoft Active Directory) is integrated with Sectona PAM, you will need to onboard your AD users onto Sectona. When a large number of users are to be onboarded, the Bulk import feature can be used to save time and resources.


  1. Login to the system and select Platform Configuration from the product navigator.
  2. Go to User Management → Users → Bulk Users → Import
  3. Fill in details in the 'Import bulk user' window and select authentication type as Windows Active Directory. Click on Next.
  4. Click on Download Format. A template in Excel file gets downloaded.
  5. Fill up the sheet with the correct user details.
  6. Copy the whole sheet and paste it into the 'copy text' section → Click Next.
  7. In the 'Summary' section, check if all details are in the correct form → Click Finish.

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