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Accessing RHEL device using SSH with putty

You can connect to a  RHEL device using SSH with putty. The session will open via Sectona Launcher.


  1. Login to the system and select PC from the product navigator.
  2. Create Putty SSH Access Type → Configuration →Access Types.
  3. Click on Add Access Type→ Name : PuTTY →Select Base Access Type : Thick Client → Specify Additional Ports if any → Upload xml file in Plugin Process.
  4. Click on your Profile on the top right corner. Select Settings.
  5. Go to Launcher Settings → Access type: Putty →Execution path : Specify the target path of the putty launcher.
  6. Login to the system and select PAM from the product navigator.
  7. Go to Manage → Asset Management → Select the RHEL device you want to access → Link AccessType : Putty.
  8. Go to My Access Page → Select RHEL Device →Connect → Putty .

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