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How to add an external Session proxy server

Session proxy servers act as a secure network node that routes the session traffic data. It strengthens security and facilitates smooth administrative control. To add an external proxy server you need to upload the session proxy host's configuration file (created during installation) onto Sectona PAM . This file will fetch the configurations of the proxy server to your Sectona PAM instance.


Locate the proxy config file:

  1. Install the Session Proxy Host on the allocated server.
  2. Go to the location where you have installed the Session Proxy host and access the proxy configuration file (default: C:\Program Files\Sectona\Sectona Vault Session Proxy Host\Sectona.Vault.SessionProxyHost.Core).
  3. Copy the proxy configuration file on your local machine.
  4. Open the config file in a text editor like notepad and verify whether the contents of the 'HostIP Value' are correct. Do not change any other content.

Upload the config file

  1. Login to the system and select PAM from the product navigator.
  2. Navigate to Setup→ Landing & Proxy Server.
  3. Go to Add New Proxy Server(s) → Upload Config file→ Choose File. Select the file.
  4. Click on Open to add the file.
  5. Select the appropriate proxy server type to be added.
  6. Check the details.
  7. Click on Save.


Password for a Session Proxy Server will not be managed by Sectona PAM

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