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How to setup notification via Notification rule

You can set single notification rule of your choice with the help of below mentioned steps. Once a notification rule is set for a particular rule, you need to perform certain operation so that the rule gets triggered and an alert email will be sent to the desired email-id in the form of notification. To set notification via notification rule, you need to perform following steps. Consider user has to set the notification rule for Account group modification.


  1. Login to the system and select PAM from the product navigator.
  2. Go to Setup → Notifications → Notification Rules → Click on Add New Notification Rule.
  3. Fill in the details:
    1. Rule Name: <Enter Rule Name say "Account Group Modify">
    2. Description: <Enter Description say "Account Group Modify">
    3. Notification Type: <Select option "Account Group Modify" from drop-down>
    4. Schedule Time: <Any>
    5. Recipient Mail: <Enter email address say,>
    6. Instance: <Select instance "Any" from drop-down>
    7. Active: <slider set to Active by default>
  4. Click on Save button.
  5. Now Go to Manage → Account Management → Account Group
  6. Select the desired Account Group, Edit Account Group section will be displayed.
  7. Make some modifications in Account group
  8. Click on Update.

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