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How to update notification templates

You can customize the content of the email as per the requirement. Notifications Engine has given a “Content Tags” option to the users so that they can utilize the content tag based on their requirement. Each tag has description, which helps the user to identify the use of the tag and henceforth can make decision for utilizing it or not. To customize the content of an email message, you need to perform following steps:


  1. Locate the Notification template that corresponds to the notification that you want to customize by navigating to the SetupNotification Template.  
  2. Make your customization to the template as needed.
  3. You can see the content tags of a particular template by clicking on the Content Tag(s)
  4. Save your changes and then close the file.
  5. Set the notification rule for the same.
  6. Perform action based on the notification template.

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