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Logon using the Sectona App based Push OTP

Sectona Authenticator will no longer be supported from February 1st, 2025.

If your authentication is set to Push OTP, you need to login using the Sectona App. You can download it from Google Play Store or App Store. Once you have downloaded the app, follow the procedure given below to login.


  1. Login into the Sectona App → click on the icon on your top right corner → click on Login.

  2. Enter the IP address of the application server → enter username and password  → click on login.

  3. Logon to Sectona with your username and password. A pop up window will appear.

  4. On your mobile, push the request by clicking on 

      button on the Sectona app screen.

Make sure that your mobile( installed with the Sectona App) and the system you are want to logon onto, are on the same network.

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