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Raise an Access Request

You can raise an Access request if you want a password-less access to an asset. Once you have successfully raised a password request, using the following steps, you can check the status of your requests on your MY Access Page, under the Requests tab. Also, you will receive an email stating that your request is being processed. Your request is then sent to an approver or approvers, depending on the workflow hierarchy. Once the request is approved, you can access the asset from your MyAccess Page.The Approver can raise a request only if the respective workflow rule has another appointed approver at the same level that he is.


  1. Login to the system and select PAM from the product navigator.
  2. On your My Access page → click on My Requests tab→ Active Request → Click on New request.
  3. In the window that appears, select Type=Access.
  4. Select the asset category and asset type of the asset you want access to and click on Show.
  5. A list of assets belonging to the specified category and type will appear. Select the asset.
  6. You can select the Start and End date and schedule time.
  7. Comment, if any in the Comments field.
  8. Provide a valid ticket number.
  9. Click on Submit.

After the request is accepted:

  1. Go to My Access → Find the asset for which the request was raised → Click on Connect → Select the session and you will find that the requested account is visible→ select the account and the
    session will be started.

In case, the checkout policy fails you can reset the password by going to Policies  →Checkout Policy →select the respective policy and tick on the Reset password if failed option.

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