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How to configure Account Dependency

Your environment may consist of certain Windows services that are controlled by particular Accounts. Actions on such services such as activation/deactivation are usually automated which means that the respective account credentials are saved and reused each time an action has to be performed, thereby eliminating the need to log into the account. But there might be a lack of synchronization if the password for the base account is modified. To avoid such a situation, we configure dependencies such that it defines a set of procedure which needs to be followed in case the password has to be changed. Sectona gives you the option of performing actions such as running scripts, commands, starting programs, etc. before and after the password is changed. You can also define the protocol to be followed in case the password-change fails. 


  1. Login to the system and select PAM from the product navigator.
  2. Go to Manage → Asset Management.
  3. Click on the action button of the asset to which the account is linked. 
  4. Click on "Manage Linked Accounts".
  5. Locate the required account and click on its action button → Select Configure Dependencies.

You will be presented with 3 sections viz Before Password Change, On Password Change Success and On Password Change Failed.  For each of these three scenarios, you may choose one of the following actions to be performed from the drop-down menu:

  1. Update Password in Account
  2. Execute Command
  3. Execute Script
  4. Windows services
  5. Scheduled task
  6. IIS Pool

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