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Create MYSQL database account manually

Sectona PAM allows you to add accounts dynamically (using Account Discovery) and manually (using Account/Asset Management). For adding an MYSQL database account manually, you can either go to Account Management or Asset Management and proceed as follows:


Using Asset Management:

  1. Go to Manage → Asset Management → Asset
  2. Select the account icon corresponding to the Database asset you want to add an account to. 
  3. Click on Add Account.
  4. Fill in the details in the window that appears.
  5.  Click on Save.

Using Account Management:

  1. Go to Manage → Accounts → Add Account.

  2. Choose Asset Category → Database and choose Asset Type → MySQL.

  3. Select the Asset you want to create an account for.

  4.  Click on Add Account. Fill in the details.

  5. Click on Save.

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